The Raison D'être…


Fashion – Living Fucking Fabulously, As Long As You Live


This is what being fucking fabulous is all about. We adore the concept of this movie. It just goes to show that fashion should never have an age cap.

Source: Advanced Style

Fashion – Androgyny Part 2

Darling, this proves we were onto a trend. But this takes it to another level. A few bottles of expensive fizz and we would of argued with you over the validitu of this story. In fact we may have fought you over the suggestion it was a man. We would have won though, fighting for limited editions is part of the induction process here at Fucking Fabulous.

Middle Class Quandary Of The Week

Which Fortnums and Mason hamper to buy?

Luxury – Gucci Equestrian Corner Store


A fucking fabulous concept. Creater a luxury equestrian event and open a temporary equestrian fashion store within the venue. Its divine moments like this that give me hope that Gucci is back on track, away from that god awful, dare I say it ‘manstream’ brand image.

Fashion – Androgyny

It seems that Menswear as Womenswear is all the rage.

All I can say is if any celebrity wants to borrow one of our fucking fabulous designer tuxedos they can of course f**k off.

Middle Class Quandary Of The Week

Christmas decoration planning. How classical do you go?

Luxury – Diamond And Dinosaur iPad


Nothing says high end better than a product that includes the thigh bone shavings of a 65 million-year-old T-Rex dinosaur, right?

Despite a dislike for all things ‘Apple’, you have to admire the iPad Gold History. Why I hear you ask. Well, as we’ve always said, high end luxury must have a sense of the unatainable. This device, by maker Stuart Hughes, is enrusted with 12.5 cts of ‘I’F’ Flawless diamonds, 53 individually in a solid 24ct Apple logo and a rear section formed in 24ct gold (weighing an immense 2,000 grams, although less weight than what we usually  wear each day in gems).

But what is truley divine is the main front frame which is made from the oldest rock the world – 75 million year old Ammolite. Forget the retro look darlings, this is prehistoric. However, what makes this masterpiece even more individual are the sections of a 65 million year old T-REX Dinosaur’s thigh bone. It was splintered and then shaved into the Ammolite (where as we use ours for garden furniture) .

But to top it all off, you only need eight million dollars. One for everyone in the office then?

Fashion – The Crucifix Heel


This is something we’re choosing not to worship. These shoes, according to, are the embodiment of a handful of 2011 trends. An interesting read, but surely you should just file under ‘Gothic’.

Home: Gucci Flora Fragrance Candle

Ok darlings, we must admit that this blog does have a love/hate relationship with Gucci.

On one hand we’re in arms at its apparent ‘downgrading’ by targeting a less aflluent clientele, yet on the other hand we are still /regularly shopping at its stores (a few more accessories were purchased at the weekend) and proclaiming the wonders of many of its fine good, much like this lovely little surprise from the House of Gucci.

Grooming: Where To Begin…And Not To Begin With Hair

Vidal Sasson bought high end hair to the high street, or so some would have you believe. But have you seen some of the latest styles in his current look book? Why it deserves the label of ‘Luxe’ I do not know. Its more like ‘mother went at your hair with a bowl and shears’, darling.