The Raison D'être…


Fashion – Living Fucking Fabulously, As Long As You Live


This is what being fucking fabulous is all about. We adore the concept of this movie. It just goes to show that fashion should never have an age cap.

Source: Advanced Style

Luxury – Gucci Equestrian Corner Store


A fucking fabulous concept. Creater a luxury equestrian event and open a temporary equestrian fashion store within the venue. Its divine moments like this that give me hope that Gucci is back on track, away from that god awful, dare I say it ‘manstream’ brand image.

Middle Class Quandary Of The Week

Christmas decoration planning. How classical do you go?

Luxury – Diamond And Dinosaur iPad


Nothing says high end better than a product that includes the thigh bone shavings of a 65 million-year-old T-Rex dinosaur, right?

Despite a dislike for all things ‘Apple’, you have to admire the iPad Gold History. Why I hear you ask. Well, as we’ve always said, high end luxury must have a sense of the unatainable. This device, by maker Stuart Hughes, is enrusted with 12.5 cts of ‘I’F’ Flawless diamonds, 53 individually in a solid 24ct Apple logo and a rear section formed in 24ct gold (weighing an immense 2,000 grams, although less weight than what we usually  wear each day in gems).

But what is truley divine is the main front frame which is made from the oldest rock the world – 75 million year old Ammolite. Forget the retro look darlings, this is prehistoric. However, what makes this masterpiece even more individual are the sections of a 65 million year old T-REX Dinosaur’s thigh bone. It was splintered and then shaved into the Ammolite (where as we use ours for garden furniture) .

But to top it all off, you only need eight million dollars. One for everyone in the office then?

Home: Gucci Flora Fragrance Candle

Ok darlings, we must admit that this blog does have a love/hate relationship with Gucci.

On one hand we’re in arms at its apparent ‘downgrading’ by targeting a less aflluent clientele, yet on the other hand we are still /regularly shopping at its stores (a few more accessories were purchased at the weekend) and proclaiming the wonders of many of its fine good, much like this lovely little surprise from the House of Gucci.

Middle Class Quandary Of The Week

Seagrass rug or not?

Middle Class Quandary Of The Week

Glam-ping or not?

Middle Class Quandary Of The Week

To buy one more Cath Kidson tablecloth or not?

Grooming – Karl Largerfeld What Are You On?

Karl Largerfeld's Paper Passion - oh, its a scent too.

Karl Largerfeld, what on earth are you on? First there was the tie in with Diet Coke, which was simply not appropriate despite the designers adoration for the drink. But now there is this.

According to one of our favorite reads The Pursuitist, the infamous/famous creative powerhouse behind Chanel has partnered with his publisher Steidl to create a perfume inspired by the smell of books called Paper Passion. Apparently, Largerfeld is an addicted book-lover who owns around 300,000 books – he even owns a book store and publishing house in Paris.

But whether or not books are something that gets you into an unnecessary tizzy, here at Fucking Fabulous we feel that this is simply wrong. How many times do we have to explain why creative right angles such as this does not sit well in a Luxe world? Its like when you see a Primark store on the high street, you simply don’t go near it.

Source: The Pursuitist

Quote Of The Week

“Darling, I’m all for shabby chic, but this is shabby shite” – Alex Polizzi, The Hotel Inspector

What Would Shirley Bassey Say? – Luxe, Darling, Is Not For Everyone. Or At Least It Shouldn’t Be

Chanel, We Honour You.

There are certain things that should be beyond the reach of everyone. In a world where everyone seems to be on a continuous treadmill of work, live, work, live, we all need something to look up to and strive for. Surely that’s what makes having it all so extra special?

That’s why, and this should be a social rule strictly adhered to, when you purchase a luxury item, you want to be guaranteed that you are one of only a handful of people who own it. You want to be assured that you will never meet that person. Heaven forbid you turn up at a presigious event wearing the same outfit, talk about social harikiri.

Here at Fucking Fabulous, when attending such events, we often send scouts ahead and have several outfits on hand should such as situation arise. Its amazing what you can get reality TV obsessed, celebrity wannabes to do if you promise them entry into a party.  Of course we always have them thrown out once they’ve served their purpose.

But back to my point. When you own luxury goods, you want to know that other people can only dream of having what you have. What would you prefer? Chanel couture or Armani Exchange? Exactly. If you ever walk down the street in a pair of Louboutin heels you want everyone to notice the red of the sole and know that you earned those shoes and that they will NEVER have them.

But what saddens me, and without the emotional capability to cry that certainly takes a lot, is when I see brands such as Gucci and Dolce & Gabanna (under its D&G label) wanting to broaden their appeal to more mainstream consumers, I feel slightly nauseous. The kind of nausea that comes in waves when you’ve had one too many on a night out, although at Fucking Fabulous you are trained to last at least 48 hours without needing to sober up. What has happened to exclusivity? Does any brand care who buys its product anymore?

What we experienced last weekend in Gucci was something that proved this point more profoundly than bad fashion on someone with severe wealth. On being ushered in, as you should be, we headed straight to the menswear section. There was a pair of Gucci tennis shoes we have been eying for weeks – what with the summer season not far around the corner. But it felt more like walking into any given store in that hell hole of a retail experience, Bluewater – the ground floor of the brand’s Bond Street store was completely overrun with youths.

Now I am not one to judge a book by its cover, well OK may be I sometimes do,  so I did for a second consider that there’s nothing wrong with them spending on moderately expensive items if they had the money. But what I saw was something you should never have to witness in a ‘supposed’ designer label store.

One boy was carrying a plastic bag from Pret A Manger full of empty sandwich wrapper, another  a bag that screamed ‘Designer Label Outlet’ across the side. It was enough to give me either a heart attack or a stroke – or both. So whilst I’m not one for impulsive purchases, I felt I had to buy something outrageously expensive and unnecessary just to prove a point. I suggest that if you are ever in the same situation, do the same.

To me Gucci always used to stand for high end design. When I was younger I would always look up at that gold sign and dream of being able to walk through those doors. The security guards giving me a knowing nod because I am always there and the sales assistants literally kissing my arse with every step. Well I say I ‘dreamed’ , I always ‘knew’ I was going to shop there – those ‘G’ belts were made to adorn my waist.

In a world where brands are available to everyone in every form, luxury brands need to remain in control of who buys their products. Luckily, there will always be a brand like Chanel – who’s security staff were turning peope away. God bless you Chanel, we honor you.

Destinations – Bulgari Residences

Who said luxury brand extensions don't work? We did. Could we be wrong?

Here at Fucking Fabulous we are not one for luxury brand extensions. There’s something about diluting a luxury brand that makes us feel uncomfortable. Like a loose fitting outfit, its not right and shouldn’t be seen by the public.

But whilst being driven through Knightsbridge late afternoon, we noticed the outer-shell for  the planned ‘Bulgari Residences‘.

Situated in the heart of Central London and next to some of the city’s most expensive real estate (where, of course, we have land) this gorgeous new complex has been designed by the famed Italian fashion house as part of its upcoming luxury hotel.

Consisting of six apartments including one penthouse, prices are of expected to be ‘in the tens of millions of dollars’. But surely you expect them to be? In this ‘age of austerity’, a phrase which makes me sick to the very sole of my stomach, isn’t having an overtly expensive residential property the new pre-requisite for a luxe life?

So why invest in a gorgeous bijou Central London apartment such as these?

Well imagine this. You’re in town, you’ve hit the designer stores and decide to head out to a bar or restaurant. Living a Fucking Fabulous life means you always need to be on it. So where best to freshen up, switch outfit, or at worst dash to the toilet arises, here at Fucking Fabulous we decree that you need a luxury destination to head to.

And thank god they are not only limited in numbers, the apartments are situated several floors up from the street. It puts you far enough away from the prying eyes of the wide eyed tourists that flock through Knightsbridge like migrating cattle in the summer months.

Source: The Privileged Club

Middle Class Quandary Of The Week

Habitat or Heals?

Luxury – We Love Farah Ali Khan

This woman gets what true luxury means. Here at Fucking Fabulous, Farah Ali Khan is being added to our list of favorite people faster than a round of lunchtime Botox by a doctor who’s had several espressos and a Red Bull.

When speaking of her limited edition only approach, her answer was simple. But never have truer words been spoken, darlings: “They are meant for just a few who know the value of luxury. I do only limited edition pieces because I believe that luxury is limited and it can’t be everyone’s cup of tea. I agree the price range is a bit higher, but then it is only for those who can afford the price of luxury.”

Source: The Pioneer.

Grooming – Slendertone Face for Men

Better than Botox?

Whilst we totally accept there is an amount of grace and poise with growing old we certainly don’t think that having your face hanging down to the seams of your vintage Chanel is acceptable.

Whilst some may want to pop down to the face ‘doctor’ to look like they have been vacuum sucked within an inch of their life, there really is another way. Plus we’re far too busy for all that nonsense.

Here at Fucking Fabulous our delight in what we are calling youth revival was realized when we received the newest product from Slendertone. Now darling,  I thought that I was about to be catapulted into a high energy Jane Fonda type affair to which I could only sit down and grasp my purest of pearls. But at second glance this was no ordinary Slendertone, this was the answer the quest. This was going to help revive my face.

In just 12 weeks the Slendertone Face really does promise to deliver. There is a whole science to it, which to be honest darling I just skipped past, after all time is of the essence. But if you do have the concentration to read, you can find out about the science here.

The sleek appearance of this product is tantamount to the latest piece of I-kit and easy to operate. It denotes exactly what Luxe is about, effortless and high impact, after all life is just too short to be studying for a PhD in face pulling.

For the next twelve weeks I will be sticking to this religiously, check in next week to hear about how I’m getting on. Until then darlings, as the old song goes, keep young and beautiful.

For more information visit: Slendertone.

To purchase Slendertone Face for Men visit here.

Living – The Sartorialist: Art or …?

I wanted to like The Sartorialist. I really did. You read about how influential the blog has become amongst both established and emerging designers and really do want to believe in what its trying to achieve. But I’m sorry, it just screams Herb Ritts coffee table  book to me.

Living – Karl Largerfeld and Diet Coke

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. This is wrong. It’s not luxury, its WAG.

Middle Class Quandary Of The Week

Frittata or not?